Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Leasing vs Purchasing free essay sample

There are no disposal fees because the leasing company will be responsible for the equipment leased. By replacing the current sever setup ( the company has over a dozen machines running 24 hours every day), with new leased IBM compact server, we will cut power costs by up to 50%. Contents Summary2 Introduction4 Discussion4 Requirements Scope and Background4 requirements to be achieved:4 several leasing and finance companies with the best solutions for the company4 Salary Expense Before Leasing fig 15 Salary Expense After Leasing fig 25 Leasing and Financing Programs7 Leasing and Financing fig37 benefits of hiring a leasing company:8 Conclusion9 Bibliography10 Appendix A11 Introduction This report explores the methods other companies use to conserve working capital. The recommendation is to lease to keep the company at the forefront of the technology curve, and keep working capital free. The company will also have the option to upgrade equipment when the next advancement occurs at a fraction of the purchase price of the same equipment. We will write a custom essay sample on Leasing vs Purchasing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Leasing computer equipment and technology protects the company from equipment obsolescence. In the past, we have purchased all of our IT equipment. This strategy has periodically put a drain on working capital. This type of bulk spending leaves the company in a weak financial position. The company saves a huge amount of money releasing these expenditures. We propose a way to manage this process with ease and greater forecast accuracy. Discussion Recently equipment disposal has become a problem. Last year the company cycled out 35 laptops due to obsolescence. The company had to pay an independent company a removal fee because of the chemicals in the LCD screens of our machines. The servers were experiencing terrible latency times. Downtime for maintaining the databases have caused confusion and inefficiency with the management staff and sales team. The company’s IT staff has almost tripled in the past 5 years as it struggles to maintain databases, software, and equipment. Leasing equipment with â€Å"Coupled IT Services† reduce salary expenses by 33%. We have interviewed several good leasing companies who finance, as well as service the equipment leased (see Attachment 1 for the IBM breakdown on lease partnerships). Requirements Scope and Background requirements to be achieved: * 25% Working capital output reduction for IT equipment * Comply with new company wide â€Å"Green Initiative† * Simplify computer upgrades * Increase IT efficiency everal leasing and finance companies with the best solutions for the company * PC Mall (online) * IBM * HP * Cisco The new mandates initiated by the company we investigated found that leasing IT equipment fits well into the new direction. By testing the energy output of the old equipment and newly leased machines, studies show that the newer equipment outperformed the old equipment. The leasing of computer equipment saves the company money and resources and the environment. By utilizing one of the leasing and financing companies, we will outsource 33% of internal IT staffing. Releasing five to seven IT specialists, the company will reduce salary expenses. â€Å"A holiday group has calculated that it has cut its IT costs by almost half by leasing its PC’s and software rather than buying. † [ (Mohamed, 2005) ] Salary Expense Before Leasing fig 1 Salary Expense After Leasing fig 2 Leasing and Financing Programs In the current state of the economy, there are many businesses that have closed their doors. We would like to prevent this by presenting a way to reduce expenses. â€Å"†¦leasing can provide financing – in some cases up to 100% of the acquisition cost – when bank credit is scarce. And turnkey leasing programs roll the acquisition, maintenance, upgrading and reselling of equipment into one package. † [ (Couretas, 1997) ] Leasing and Financing Programs in Q3 fig 3 Leasing and Financing fig3 [ (PC Mall Leasing Options, 2009) ] The proposal is to lease the IT equipment using one of the companies in the illustration fig 3. We have spoken to the customer account representatives of the leasing companies. They are all very eager to schedule a consultation meeting with upper management and the IT department heads. [ (Leasing can help manage changing technology, 1997) ] Computer technology evolves rapidly. There is a distinct advancement year to year. Computers handle more processing power, use less energy, and depreciate like rocks falling off Pike’s Peak. Leasing helps prevent obsolescence. It offers an opportunity to upgrade equipment for a fraction of the cost of purchasing. With better equipment, the company stays ahead of the IT curve and improves on productivity from all departments that utilize the in house private network. IT equipment has an expected useful life of five to eight years. The company can use the current servers for the next three years with diminished productivity. The latency times with the current equipment is very slow compared to the new machines. Latency is the time taken for a packet of data to be transmitted. IBM has servers for lease that have some of the lowest latency times on the market. IBM also has a service included with the lease that allows you to upgrade the equipment. Therefore, in reality, leasing will prevent the company from purchasing, and spending working capital every three years. Satisfying the â€Å"Green House Initiative,† the servers we will upgrade to would reduce energy consumption by as much as 27%. The company can use this new technology until the new technology arrives. Using a leasing company as a remarketer of equipment is a â€Å"hedge against technological obsolescence’ for business, said Al Golembewski , first vice-president at Sanwa Business Credit Corp. in Chicago† [ (Couretas, 1997) ] We can decrease salary expense by leasing. There are several plans that account for the maintenance and upkeep of the software and equipment. The IT employees can focus on company owned equipment. Reducing the time spent repairing the network allows the company free up IT man-hours for use on in-house projects. We suggest the company release five of the fifteen IT professionals we have on staff to save over $250,000. Since leasing does not require the amount of money spent on purchasing, the company saves in that area as well. One main goal is to free up working capital. Two ways have been mentioned above. We lease for a low monthly fee, ($451 per month for a 36 month lease), and we use energy efficient machines. The IBM System x3850 is one such machine. It has a balanced design and it is scalable. In other words as the company needs more processing power, this machine can be upgraded to accommodate this need. Leasing does not require the amount of money spent on purchasing. The current server in use today cost $15,640 4 years ago. If the machine had been leased, the company would be ready today for a faster, more efficient, energy efficient machine. The costs associated with depreciation would also have been avoided. In 2001 Dick Wessel, senior sales consultant with Lewan and Associates, recommends leasing for expensive equipment. He said, â€Å"Most companies don’t want to write out a check for that; it’s much easier for them to make monthly payments, â€Å"he said. â€Å" Office equipment is a lot like automobiles – when you drive it off the lot, they depreciate by 40%† [ (Wolf, 2001) ]. The company could deduct monthly lease payments as an operating expense. benefits of hiring a leasing company: Event IT SERVICES: Delivery of hardware including consultancy, project-management, installation, and on-site support. IT managers will also note the availability of an ability to have the leasing company dispose of old equipment (see Custom Made Services). Continuity Services Reduces the impact of a disaster or huge interruption of IT infrastructure by providing functional replacement hardware and related services within the agreed time   Custom Made Services Custom made services like demo management, equipment management (disposal services) Tax Benefits Deduct monthly lease payments as an operating expense. Your monthly lease payments typically are tax deductible as a business expense (Consult your tax advisor). Cash Flow Predictability Reduce financial uncertainty and increase forecasting accuracy with consistent lease payments. Simplify Budget Approval Leases Can be categorized as operating expenses. (PC Mall Leasing Options, 2009) â€Å"For the dollar-value lease, customers simply put a dollar down to purchase the equipment at the end of the lease. The drawback of the arrangement is higher interest rates than customers get under the fair market/operating lease†¦However, there is a tax advantage for purchasing equipment or using a dollar-value lease that companies do not get with an operating lease. The tax advantage comes with the depreciation of the equipment. Businesses that use a dollar-value lease qualify for the tax advantage since the arrangement is equivalent to purchasing. † [ (Wolf, 2001) ] Conclusion Leasing reduces the output of working capital. We forecast that the company will use less of its dollars at one time. The company can spread its IT cost over a longer period. The company can manage this budget easier than budgeting for a huge purchase every two to three years. It is easy to get a leasing agreement than a loan for the purchase of IT equipment. Leasing allows the company to stay on the cutting edge of technology improving efficiency and productivity. From the facts presented in this report, the company should support the leasing of IT equipment. The company should we schedule a date and time with the IBM consultant immediately. Bibliography Aldridge, R. (2005, September). The ABCs of technology leasing . Technology amp; Learning , pp. 25-28. Contino, R. (2006). The Complete Equipment Leasing Handbook. Sarnac: AMACOM. Couretas, J. (1997, April 1). Leasing: Technology management tool. Crains Small business , 5 (3), p. 1. Kehrer, D. (2006). Guide to Leasing Computer and IT Equipment. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from Work. com: http://www. work. com/leasing-computer-and-it-equipment-1000/ Leasing can help manage changing technology. (1997, Nov 17). PC Week , p. 151. Mohamed, A. (2005, March 29). Holiday Group halves IT costs by leasing computers an software. Computer Weekly , p. 24. Nevitt, P. amp; Fabozzi, F. (2000). Equipment Leasing. Somerset: Wiley, John amp; Sons, Incorporated. PC Mall Leasing Options. (2009). Retrieved August 7, 2009, from PC Mall: http://www. pcmall. com/pcmall/promotions/custom~p~zero_apr. asp Wolf, J. (2001). Leasing office equipment gains popularity. Denver Business Journal , 19A. Appendix A Energy management strategies and data center complexities require new sol utions As a provider of specialist logistics servicesto the UK healthcare sector, Polar Speedneeded to be able to deliver levels of service that most mid-sized businesseswould struggle to achieve. With rapid year-on-year growth, the performance of itsexisting IT infrastructure was beginning tosuffer. Working with Omicron Solutions, anIBMBusiness Partner, the companyreplaced its existing servers with anIBMBladeCenter containing Intel Xeonprocessor-based blade servers, and afiber-connected IBMSystem Storageâ„ ¢DS3400 provides SAN storage for thewhole environment. The highly scalableIBMBladeCenter architecture is designedto support future growth with minimal addi-tional investment, saving data center spaceand reducing both electricity costs and thecarbon footprint. For enterprises today, reducing costsand complexity is key to maximizing the business value of IT systems andservices. One particular pain point applicable inthis context: energy costs in data cen-ters. Today’s data centers commonlygenerate 10 to 30 times the electricaloverhead of a typical office building1—the fastest-growing element of the datacenter cost picture. Already, electricitycosts are estimated by some analyststo account for roughly 40% of the totaldata center budget. This trend isthreatening fiscal resources that mightotherwise be allocated to revenue-generating services. Going green istherefore increasingly critical to achiev-ing and maintaining a competitiveadvantage. Exacerbating this challenge is the factthat many organizations continue tosuffer from server sprawl. When newservers are rolled out on a one-to-onebasis with new applications or services,overall costs become multiplied in pro-portion. Each server draws more powerand generates more heat, which in turnmust be dissipated—leading to furthercosts. Because hardware utilization tends tobe poorer for lower-end servers, thissituation also leads to suboptimal useof overall processing power, wastingprecious computational resources. Management and administration actionsare also inherently complicated, leadingto less agility in the pursuit of changingbusiness goals and strategies. Overall business resilience can bethreatened by poor energy management—many of today’s datacenters were simply not designed toscale in proportion to growing electricaldemands. For them, server sprawl asan ongoing situation can be potentiallycatastrophic. Finally, many of today’s organizationsare increasingly concerned with envi-ronmental stewardship—the generalresponsibility of the corporate sector toimprove ecological conditions by lower-ing energy consumption and reducingcarbon emissions—in order to helpachieve a sustainable, balanced worldfor future generations. Here, too, optimizing data centersthrough energy-efficient solutions canlead to substantial improvements. Going green leads not just to lowercosts, but also to lower carbon emissions—in short, a measurable envi-ronmental benefit for the host commu-nity and, in a larger sense, the globalecosystem. Page 2 And at a time when organizations com-pete in an increasingly green-consciousmarketplace, the organizations thathave moved to energy-efficiency solutions and strategies will be per-ceived more favorably by clients andcustomers—a clear competitive distinction. Why IBM? For these reasons, many organizationsare turning to IBMsolutions to consoli-date servers, lower overhead, simplifymanagement and spur business innovation. Organizations that have deployed other solutions will find that IBMoffersunique, compelling strengths andadvantages that generate overall gainsin many different business and techno-logical contexts. Among these core strengths are:? A comprehensive array of virtualiza-tion technologies, which can deliverdramatic improvements in hardwareutilization and energy efficiency.? Innovative processor and systemstechnologies designed to maximizecomputational power while minimiz-ing power requirements.? A full suite of tools capable of track-ing power consumption, heat outputand other variables, thus deliveringkey diagnostic and measurementinformation used to fulfill energy management strategies.? High scalability and consolidationcapabilities.? Storage solutions that scale effec-tively and integrate seamlessly withexisting infrastructures. With IBMSystemxâ„ ¢ andIBMBladeCenter ® systems,IBMPowerâ„ ¢ Systems, and leadingstorage solutions, enterprise-class ITcan be empowered as a superiorinstrument of business initiatives—moreenergy-efficient, more flexible and more powerful. Reduce complexity and enhance IT responsiveness How can organizations improve ITagility and minimize server sprawl? Onestrategy involves transforming physicalservers into multiple virtual servers, thenrunning them on a single host system. In this way, IT can add virtual servers tomatch the host’s processing power,and thus increase hardware utilization—maximizing asset ROI. According to one recent study con-ducted by IBM, up to 112Dell 1Uservers can be consolidated into anIBMBladeCenterJS22. ThisIBMBladeCenter solution delivers thesame computational power of the100+Dell servers, yet requires only afraction of the power and generates a fraction of the heat3—a clear win byany metric. IBM’s value proposition as a systemsprovider is also evident in the newPower 520 Express—i Edition ®Ã¢â‚¬â€anaffordable upgrade path for currentIBMAS/400 ®, IBMSystemi520 ®, andiSeries ® customers, who can leverageit to reduce server sprawl and the asso-ciated energy costs. It also enables anexceptionally diverse array of applica-tions and services from a single host. Colorado-based HealthTrans, a pharmacybenefits administrator, is responsible forprocessing 90 million claims annually. The computational challenges implied bythat workload are considerable, andHealthTrans was looking to improve itsoverall speed, flexibility, and capacity to achieve 24/7 claims processing availability. Their system selection? IBM Power 570,driven by IBM’s POWER6 processors andIBM PowerVM virtualization management. Since migrating from Sun servers to theIBM offering, HealthTrans has experi-enced higher application uptime, fasterperformance and enhanced flexibility,allowing for rapid capacity changes ondemand. Page 3 ] Furthermore, IBMBladeCenter S hasbuilt-in disk storage of up to 12 ter-abytes; competing HP solutions, bycontrast, must sacrifice blade servers toobtain extra storage. 4And helping toreduce management complexity is theIBMBladeCenter Open Fabric Manager,which simplifies I/O administration andworks with all IBMBladeCenterEthernet and Fiber Channel switchesand fabrics from leading vendors suchas Cisco, Nortel, and QLogic. Also new is the IBMPower Systemsline, which brings togetherIBMPOWER-driven IBMSystempâ„ ¢and Systemi offerings into a new, unified suite. The Power Systems linesupports three different operating systems—UNIX ®, IBMi, and Linux ®Ã¢â‚¬â€helping to maximize the total range ofapplications and services available fromeach server. With IBMPowerVMâ„ ¢,new virtual servers can be deployed farmore rapidly than new physicalservers—and each receives dynamicallocation of computing resources—such as memory—on demand. Perhaps the most common form ofserver sprawl revolves around low-end,x86 servers. Clients looking for excep-tionally high-end x86 servers designedfor mass consolidation should considerthe IBMSystemx3950 M2, which deliv-ers extraordinary virtualization perform-ance and scalability thanks to IBM’sfourth-generation eX4 technology, up to a full terabyte of RAM, and asmany as 16Quad Core Intel ® Xeon ®processors. Also available from IBM: BalancedConfiguration Units, which integrate dif-ferent systems and software, optimizedfor different business contexts. Theseunits are tested in advance and aredesigned to deliver specific perform-ance levels for their target services. For clients making the leap from alter-nate vendors to IBM,the transitionprocess doesn’t have to be a dauntingone. For such organizations, one optionsure to be attractive is IBMMakeoverServices, which are designed to opti-mize the transition process and thusreduce business risks and operationalcosts through the IBMMigrationFactory. 5 Increase energy efficiency and decreasecosts Getting the best business value from ITmeans more than just increasing powerand flexibility—it also means keeping IT efficient by minimizing costs. Towardthat end, solutions designed for virtual-ization and consolidation deliver quan-tifiable benefits. When the total numberof servers falls, energy costs and gen-erated heat can also decrease. IBMdelivers many powerful featuresacross many product lines, all designedto enable and drive energy manage-ment strategies. Centrinet, a UK organization that providesIT management services, had a uniqueidea: build a data center, known asSmartbunker, designed to run efficientlyon entirely renewable energy and to offerthis as a hosting service to clients. The solution proved to beIBMBladeCenter, which integrates servers, networks, storage and applica-tions in 1-inch deep blades that sit in arack like a bookshelf. Right from our first dealings with IBM,we were very impressed,† said KellySmith, Managing Director atSmartbunker. â€Å"We weren’t an IBMcus-tomer prior to this, but we were aware ofits green credentials, and that undoubt-edly helped. The products put forward byother companies couldn’t match IBM’s interms of performance, energy efficiencyor reliability. The so lution we chose willalso help us to expand the business veryquickly, without any concerns about over-loading our IT infrastructure. †Page 4 ] IBMBladeCenter, for instance, allows ITto get the most processing power inthe smallest physical footprint, evenwhen compared to rack units. TheIBMBladeCenter E holds 14 servers in7U of rack space—a 50% improvementin comparison to seven 1U servers. Yet,that same BladeCenter E, based onIBMengineering test data, will requireas much as 35% less power. 6Thisreduction comes thanks to many spe-cial enhancements, such as low-powerprocessor options, energy-efficientpower supplies, IBMCalibratedVectored Coolingâ„ ¢ to maximize airflow,solid-state drives, a shared-coolingdesign, and IBMSystems DirectorActive Energy Managerâ„ ¢, an IBMdiag-nostic and management tool. Furthermore, a strong competitiveadvantage is apparent whenIBMBladeCenter solutions are com-pared to those from other vendors. According to the Edison Group, theIBMBladeCenter H required almost10% less energy than an HP BladeSystem c7000 using comparable con-figurations. 7The IBMadvantage is evenclearer when we take a holisticapproach to energy efficiency and uti-lize IBMBladeCenter unique innova-tions like the energy efficientIBMBladeCenter E chassis, Solid StateDrives and IBMSystems Director ActiveEnergy Manager along with Intel low voltage processors. With these innova-tions in place, we can reduce theamount of energy required by an addi-tional 25%. Among x86-based servers, theIBMSystemx offerings deliver excep-tional energy efficiency—stemming inpart from their DDR2 memory asopposed to FB-DIMMs. Multipliedacross many consolidations, this designoptimization alone can lead to substan-tial returns, as it did for StaybridgeSuites in Florida, which reduced energy costs 35% simply by migratingall lower-end servers to a single System x3950. 9For customers running IBMPowerSystems, PowerVM and POWER6â„ ¢EnergyScale technology similarly helpsdrive down energy consumption, espe-cially by comparison to other vendors. In fact, when compared to a 64-coreHP PA-RISC Superdrome, an eight-core IBMSystemp 550 can reduceelectric consumption by up to 91%,while also achieving 16% more data-base transaction performance. 10And forcustomers migrating to IBMPowerSystems solutions from multiple com-peting servers, the energy managementargument will be even stronger. Up to180 Sun SunFire V490 servers, forinstance, can be consolidated onto asingle rack of the IBMBladeCenterJS22, leading to a staggering energyreduction of 92%. 1 Rabobank Group, a full-range financial services provider founded on cooperativeprinciples and a global leader in sustainability-oriented banking, found thatas new internal systems were added andexternal services launched, the number ofservers in the data center grew. To consolidate, Rabobank worked withIBMGlobal Services to design a newarchitecture based around theIBMSystempâ„ ¢ platform runningIBMAIX ®5Lâ„ ¢ V5. 3. The architecturereplaces the previous â€Å"one applicationper ph ysical server† model with virtualizedservers running on standard physicalâ€Å"building-blocks†: IBMSystemp5â„ ¢570and 560Q servers, each with16IBMPOWER5+â„ ¢ processors. Page 5 Reduce server and storage costs and sim-plify administration Storage represents another excellentopportunity to realize improved busi-ness value through IBMsolutions. Viatiered storage architecture, organiza-tions can assign higher performance tothe services that need it the most, andreduce costs by mapping lower-performance storage to lower-priorityservices. Nevertheless, many organiza-tions have yet to move to tiered storagearchitectures. IBM can help. IBMstorage solutionsare designed to ensure that perform-ance and features are closely alignedwith dynamic business requirements. One key solution in this category: theIBMSAN Volume Controllerâ„ ¢ (SVC),which provides a single logical point ofmanagement across all tiers. SVC alsoenables storage to be treated as a logi-cal resource that can be allocated andretrieved in proportion to changingneeds—this helps IT achieve superiorstorage utilization, making the most ofavailable storage space rather thanrequiring the purchase of more storagedevices. Besides, SVC is the industry’shighest performing, most mature stor-age virtualization solution, unmatchedby any competitive offering. How suc-cessful has it been in today’s ultra-competitive storage market? Since itsintroduction to the market in 2003,IBMhas shipped over 12,000 SVCengines running in more than 4,000 SVC systems. 12 Server costs, similarly, can be bettercontrolled and reduced throughIBMsolutions. Consider thatIBMBladeCenter delivers 25% betterdensity compared to competing blade-based offerings,13while also doublingtypical rack unit density. This physicalconsolidation of computational powermeans that, just as with storage, IT isempowered to accomplish more withfewer resources—a clear example ofreduced costs and simplified administration. IBM System x3850 M2 and x3950 M2deliver potent features and functionality,pairing industry-leading performancewith the industry’s lowest total cost ofownership by product class. This is dueto the processor-rich architecture,which boasts 16 sockets—twice that ofother offerings. Twice the power trans-lates into half the total number ofrequired servers for any given IT appli-cation; this, in turn, can lead to a sub-stantial reduction in overall costs. IBM enterprise servers are designedwith high-efficiency power supplies andCPU/memory regulators that eliver15% less power than the HP ProLiantDL580 G5 server leading to savings of42% less per server per year. 14And the cost reduction story is evenmore impressive in the case of IBM’sPower Systems line. According to a2007 whitepaper from the InternationalTechnology Group (ITG), the averagesavings for organizations that consoli-date servers on these IBM hosts is aremarkable 65-70%. An ITG study saysthat IBMdelivers the lo west overall TCOacross the entire UNIX systems space. 5 AISO. Net, the world’s first and only 100%solar-powered web hosting company,serves more than 12,000 customersworldwide and is committed to being thebest, most reliable eco-friendly hostingcompany in the world. This commitmentresulted in Live Earth producers selectingAISO. net to host the liveearth. org Website. To host the site, AISO. Net customdesigned a dedicated, reliable solutionusing energy efficient IBMBladeCenterservers with Second-Generation AMDOpteronâ„ ¢ processors. We can run theLive Earth Web site on IBMBladeCenterand get great performance without hav-ing the power draw we would have hadwith rack servers, † said Phil Nail, tech-nology manager for AISO. Net, in explain-ing their platform selection. Page 6 Drive business value with leading perform-ance and price/performance As companies strive to compete moreeffectively, deploying and orchestratingvarying IT services dynamically to corre-spond with cha nging business goals,strategies and performance is a keyingredient to success. And when com-pared to solutions from other vendors,IBMsystems—both modular andPOWER-based—deliver exceptionalperformance, performance/watt, andprice/performance. How exceptional? In the case of theIBMSystemx3850 M2 enterpriseserver, a virtualization performancecomparison conducted by PrincipledTechnologies showed a 27% superiorityin performance per watt when com-pared to the HP DL580G5. 16What’smore, the same system showed anoverall TPC-C performance superiorityof 27%. And for the maximum inSystemx-based performance, considerthe Systemx3950 M2, which offers thehighest x86 TPC-C benchmark everrecorded as of February 2008, nearly62% more transactions per minute thanthe Unisys ® ES7000/one EnterpriseServer’s 8-processor result of 520,467 tpmC and 12% more thantheir 16-processor result of 749,839 tpmC. 2. 17 Blistering throughput is also a keyaspect of IBMPower Systems solu-tions. Compared to mid-range competi-tors such as the Intel ® Itanium ®, IBM’sPOWER6-based processors have beenshown to offer two to three times theoverall performance across a wide vari-ety of benchmarks targeting differentworkloads and classes of computa-tional performance. 18IBM also offers tremendous perform-ance per watt in the case of the new,watercooled POWER 575 supercom-puter. This model, a computational wizard driven by 224 POWER6 proces-sors, incorporates innovative, water-chilled copper plates over eachmicroprocessor to deliver high perform-ance while minimizing generated heat. The outcome? More than five times theperformance and three times theenergy efficiency of the POWER5+â„ ¢-based model 57519—literally eight trillionoperations in a heartbeat’s time. High-end IBMstorage systems alsooffer extremely efficient design for highavailability without compromised per-formance. The DS4000, for instance, aRAID6 system, delivers exceptionalthroughput—within 3% of an equivalentRAID5 configuration despite the addedsystem activity. 20 Transplace, a leading logistics provider,was looking for a way to deploy softwareas a service, maintain 24/7 applicationavailability, launch new services rapidly,and minimize IT operations costs. Achieving these goals meant new sys-tems, and Transplace turned to IBM. The eventual solution? IBMPower 570servers, for exceptional computationalpower via fewer processors—translatinginto improved scalability and substantialoverall cost reductions in software licensing. â€Å"We discovered that servers usingIBMPOWER6 processors at the data-base layer would let us deploy fewer but faster processors,† said VincentBiddlecombe, CTO of Transplace. â€Å"Thislet us further lower our Oracle licensingcosts. †Page 7 Summary Maximizing IT business value meansgetting as much performance as possi-ble from IT assets while simultaneouslymanaging costs—both now and in thefuture. This is particularly true in thedomain of energy efficiency; as datacenters have grown more complex,their energy consumption has scaledup rapidly to the point where it nowcomprises the fastest-growing elementof overall data center costs. Fortunately, IBMoffers a broad array ofleading server and storage solutionsdesigned to fulfill operational perform-ance goals while also empoweringenergy management strategies. Asenergy costs rise, revenue that wouldhave been required for them caninstead be directed toward strategicnew products and services—a majorwin for the organization. Cost reductions are only half the story;when organizations pursue businessgoals they must also consider thepotential environmental impact of theiroperations. By decreasing the energyrequired by data centers, organizationsalso help eliminate environmentallyharmful carbon emissions, thus directlybenefiting both local communities andthe global ecosystem. Such responsible environmental stew-ardship on the part of the organizationcan also translate into improved publicperception by clients and customers; asenergy management is optimized andcarbon emissions diminished, the orga-nization’s brand is strengthened. By moving up to IBM, today’s organiza-tions can achieve a comprehensiveresponse to the many growing chal-lenges facing IT today—scaling upenergy efficiency and agility and scalingdown costs, carbon emissions, andmanagement complexities, to render ITa powerful yet cost-effective vehicle inthe pursuit of changing business goals. For more information To learn more about energy efficiency indata centers, please contact yourIBMmarketing representative orIBMBusiness Partner, or visit the fol-lowing Web site: ibm. com/itsolutions/energy-efficiency/ Companies around the world have savedmoney by migrating from competitiveUNIX servers and consolidating onIBMPower Systems. For instance,Energen, one of the top 20independentoil and gas exploration and productioncompanies in the United States, was ableto save more than $500,000annually byconsolidating 20Sun servers onto twoIBMPower570 servers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

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The Indisputable Reality About Examples of Topics Sentences in Analytical Essay That No One Is Telling You What Does Examples of Topics Sentences in Analytical Essay Mean? Writing a prosperous paper isn't as automatic as you could think, therefore, it requires some vital considerations. Fancy vocabulary and extremely long sentences are excessively complex to comprehend. Sure, the quantity of paragraphs and the general logic of the essay will differ for different sorts of essays and majors. Indeed, it's very important to select interesting topics for analysis essay. There are several kinds of essays. An analytical essay has a large array of scope and topics. Argumentative essays expect a lot of research. Writing isn't the challenging part. If so, Elite Essay Writers will visit your rescue. When it is short essay examples that you need or any other sort of essay, we're here to assist you at a reasonable cost. If you select the right sort of essay in accordance with your skillset and writing, it is going to help you compose a very clear and cohesive essay. You'll observe that it's a great deal simpler to compose an analytical essay than you first thought. In conclusion, an analytical essay is an essay meant to elaborate more than that which the readers or viewers of a specific piece might actually see. The Good, the Bad and Examples of Topics Sentences in Analytical Essay The main portion of your essay should consist of 3 paragraphs. For this reason, you must have your thesis statement ready. You may use quotes or paraphrase regions of the text in order to add evidence. After you have decided about the subject and the thesis you will write about, you've got to formulate a captivating title. Bridget's essay is quite strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. For instance, you should compose a paper of guns. Start researching and produce a thesis you could write around. Often students make the error of ending their essays abruptly without a suitable conclusion. New Ideas Into Examples of Topics Sentences in Analytical Essay Never Before Revealed The essay could have a very bad outlook and contain a great deal of typographical errors. Based on this issue and the degree of study of the essay, it's directed to a professional writer to work on it. While writing an argumentative essay, it's far better to settle on a topic that may be explained with the facts. If you are searching for a particular topic that changes its meaning through time, ensure that essays on the site are up-to-date. The topic you opt to pick for your analytical essay will ascertain the facts and details you want to include. A more conclusive definition of an analytical essay is that it's a write-up that gives an observation about a particular topic of interest. In other words, it focuses on one idea or thought and provides an informative piece of writing on the subject. Therefore, it is a piece of writing that provides an informative observation about the specific topic or idea. The cost of an essay depends upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. You can get an essay from our group of professional writers and utilize it like a template to make your own masterpiece. As you near finishing your essay, it is crucial to consider about how you're likely to conclude it. If you're writing a rhetorical analysis essay, perhaps, you will perform your bit of writing before a massive audience. It's even worse when you need to submit several assignments at exactly the same time. Many errors are typical in writing. To begin writing your assignment you would want to run into an interesting and promising topic. The writing process will be simple, as you know the direction you're going. Cause and effect essays have a particular structure that ought to be followed during writing. During the analysis of a material, it is crucial to use various sources. The analysis ought to be restated, and you need to point out its significance to the subject available. Literary analysis isn't the only sort of essay in its family tree. The introduction usually starts out with some type of background details. The range of words is written according to the directions. This example serves among the main high school argumentative essay examples. This essay examples will put the info above into perspective.

Examples of Topic For An APA Paper

Examples of Topic For An APA PaperIt's important that you have a good list of examples of topic for an APA paper when preparing it. When you are preparing an APA paper, it is vital that you follow a step-by-step approach to writing the paper and that you avoid making assumptions. It is easy to get carried away when you think you know exactly what you want to write about.A good idea is to write about topics that you actually have knowledge of. You should start with examples of topic for an APA paper that you have personally experienced or at least have some knowledge of. You may also choose to write about things that you know about. Try to use examples of topic for an APA paper that relate to the topic of your paper.One important thing to remember when choosing examples of topic for an APA paper is to be sure that you give a thorough explanation of the subject matter. The main reason for this is that there will be a section on your paper where you will need to describe the topic. For example, if you are writing an essay on child psychology, you will want to give examples of topic for an APA paper that relate to the many different issues that you might be facing as a parent or a teacher or any number of other things.Some examples of topic for an APA paper can include things such as the price of milk, the incidence of road traffic accidents, or the period of time during which some types of paint are used in the house. Other examples of topic for an APA paper might include types of academic writing, such as law, medicine, or journalism. Whatever examples of topic for an APA paper you choose to use, they should include information that is known or at least could be researched by anyone familiar with the topic.Many people do not have basic research skills. They may know about the topic but may not be able to research any information relating to it. They may be able to cite information and try to explain the basis for their information but it may not be up to date or correct. An example of a topic for an APA paper could be the rates of crime in a particular area.If you are writing an essay on crime in an area of the country, you may want to find examples of topic for an APA paper relating to the crime rate in the area you are looking at. There may be different areas of the country that have different crime rates. Another example of a topic for an APA paper could be the level of conformity that a particular class of teachers shows.Examples of topic for an APA paper could include all of these factors. To help you prepare for your examples of topic for an APA paper, it is often best to find examples of topic for an APA paper on topics that are related to your area of study. This can be especially helpful if you are trying to write on a topic that is related to a course you are taking.Writing an essay on a topic of interest is easy, but making sure that the facts you present are accurate is sometimes a bit more difficult. An example of a topic for a n APA paper can give you an idea of topics that are relevant to your area of study. You should consult your university or your college for further examples of topic for an APA paper.

The Argument About Essay Writer Finance

The Argument About Essay Writer Finance If you're displeased with the standard of the essay, you're going to get your money back. You are going to understand that using our essay writing service is as simple as possible. Your essay writing service is truly useful. Our 1-hour essay writing service may be an ideal solution for you. Or you might even receive an individual portion of your essay paper done. Fantastic solution is to cover essay. Regardless of what essay topic you're given, our essay generator will have the ability to finish your essay easily. In the same way, you're totally free to order entire academic project and be positive that we'll deliver a best paper for you. Not merely you may generate a simple text for your upcoming masterpiece here, but additionally you will readily check and correct all the weak components of it. Mention every one of your requirements and instructions, so that a writer can begin to work on your order with no difficulties. An essay generator will often do an excellent job of offering you a very simple and thoroughly special title so making the progress should not be difficult. What You Need to Do About Essay Writer Finance Before It's Too Late Affordable custom made essay writing is currently made possible by our versatile writers, who compose various varieties of essays based on needing the customer. Essay Rewriter employs the ability of paraphrasing to shield students from the typical problem of being accused of plagiarism. Writing an essay at our company is completely stress-free. Lies You've Been Told About Essay Writer Finance You get the opportunity to steer clear of many problems from the very start, by cooperating with an excellent writing services. If you are fighting to compose an essay, you are able to either place an order for a brand-new object of work on the subject of your choice or you could write it yourself and then order a re-write or proofreading services. The issue is that the paraphrased work doesn't make sense. Today, the options are so many that you're confused about which is the very best and the most professional one. Essay Bot isn't your usual writing service in which you place an order and await a distinctive paper to be prepared. Manual mode in the Essay Rewriter makes it possible for you to ascertain h ow much to paraphrase and you may control just what changes you want to make to the original text. Firstly, you must type a title of your essay, so the bot could come across relevant content. How to receive your outline after using an essay title generator The title of an essay cannot be dismissed, it's frequently the basis of the entire paper. You will observe how ridiculous the program is. A dependable essay writing service will use information you provide to guarantee you receive content written from scratch that fulfills your requirements. Well, there are not any particular varieties of service available. 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New Ideas Into Essay Writer Finance Never Before Revealed Our professional writers are extensively trained and experienced, and we'll assign an individual with the correct amount of expertise for your particular school assignment. There is an assortment of explanations for why students decide to get aid from an essay writing service. English, management, business regardless of what field of study you're in, you're likely to get to write some essays. Most essay writing platforms are providing kids and students the chance to learn and complete their essays punctually.

Essay: How to Write a Foreign Exchange Essay Sample

Essay: How to Write a Foreign Exchange Essay SampleIf you are working in a foreign exchange trading company, this type of essay is not something that you can simply ignore. It is imperative that the staff of your business, whether you are the manager or the trader, reads these every day. These are the tools that allow you to make decisions, and they need to be in a good amount of detail.One of the most important things to keep in mind when writing an essay for a foreign exchange trading company is to try to give the reader a real sense of what is going on. Most people do not read very much, but with an essay in hand, they can get a better idea of what is going on, because it is being read by someone who is experienced in the subject. The other person could easily tell if you are trying to pass them off as an expert on the topic.Keep in mind that the foreign exchange market is a constantly changing environment. This is a very tough environment to enter, because it is full of uncertain ty. It takes a certain type of person to know how to enter into the market, and that is why you need to make sure that you are very well versed in the market, not just an average Joe.You need to give the reader an idea of what to expect out of an essay on foreign exchange trading. Do not worry about how long the essay will be, but try to make it interesting. Of course you are not going to expect that everything will be laid out in great detail. Just do your best to give the reader an idea of what is going on, and keep the essay short, easy to read, and to the point.Also, it is very important that you stick to the basics. Foreign exchange essay sample contains some key points, but the way that it is presented in the essay does not matter. This should be understood by everyone.You want to make sure that you learn how to use foreign exchange essay sample, and that you give it plenty of time to absorb. Most people find that this is the most difficult of all the training courses that the y take. After a while, they start to get comfortable with the format and how it works.If you do not have any of these programs available, then consider downloading a free foreign exchange essay sample and try it out. You can look at the different forms that are available and see how they are presented. If it is your first time using the form, it may be easier for you to understand than other papers that you have previously written.Use a foreign exchange essay sample when you are writing your own essay. Try to make it as clear and concise as possible, and stick to the basics of the market. Remember that this is a business, and you need to show that you know what you are doing.